My Tina 2

My Tina 2

??????? MY TINA  EPISODE 2 AUTHOR: Outcast Ke I continued sucking her boobs ...now she started moaning loudly holding the bedsheets tight ...now I started kissing her body way up to her neck ,she could not help herself but to moan more loudly ....I stopped ndo sasa niwashe my groundshaker "ze Bluetooth dewise"( mambo ya legends hii???) nkadunga mix moja ya trap ya Kim nickdee ...walked straight to her and started kissing her down to her pussy ....it was clean shaved and beautiful ?? I didn'...
My Tina 1

My Tina 1

??????  MY TINA Episode 1 author:Outcast Ke "Babe why are you always afraid of telling me your plans on our relationship" this was the third time in a row TINA had me that question" what do you mean...I'm not afraid " nkamjibu " since cjai have sex ? with you since we started dating doesn't mean I don't have plans with our relationship" I concluded....she seemed satisfied with that ....so nkaamua kutoka hapo nje kwa balcony ndo nihepe maswali mob( only legends wanajua hii trick) then boom be...
MCA's Bodyguard

MCA's Bodyguard

?MCA's BODYGUARD ? ?Prologue? author:Outcast Ke I sat down outside playing flashbacks of my life.Since nifanye KCSE I had been hustling here and there mwanzo mapero walikuwa wanadai ganji ndizo noma.I let tears flow down my bony cheeks.I had no option other than to accept the reality.The fact that my agemates are busy in campus studying whereas am here hustling made me feel worthless.Life ikawa imenilemea zaidi wakati mzae alikuwa detected na Cancer na nikawa tegemeo la familia.Day in day ou...

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