By Outcast Ke
Sat, 05-Jun-2021, 11:46


My Tina 1

  1. ?????? 
Episode 1

author:Outcast Ke

"Babe why are you always afraid of telling me your plans on our relationship" this was the third time in a row TINA had me that question" what do you mean...I'm not afraid " nkamjibu " since cjai have sex ? with you since we started dating doesn't mean I don't have plans with our relationship" I concluded....she seemed satisfied with that ....so nkaamua kutoka hapo nje kwa balcony ndo nihepe maswali mob( only legends wanajua hii trick) then boom before I could stand up she jumped on my lap ....her fat ass was shakin on my laps ...nkaona hio look kwa macho yako nakujua hapa nimeholdiwa ramson ( kama hujui maana yake usizae hatutaki wajinga wengine hii dunia??)the started kissing me in a romantic way .. just like she saw in that porn movie in my laptop ......enyewe mtoto akililia wembe mpe razor( najua pia ww umeshangaa ..sikuenda primary kuchoma mahindi??)...I grabbed those fat ass of hers , started caressing then ...she was still kissing me ... ...now I stopped kissing her lips and started kissing her neck ....she started now moaning in low tones ....nkamtoa bra polepole and started sucking the life out of her nipples and and and and and Acha nikunywe maji nkuje na part 2
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